A marketing tool that connects brands
for clever collaborations & partnerships

We're the matchmaker for business. Think of us like a dating app for brands; match, swipe & connect in minutes.

How it Works


List your brand

Fill in details about your marketing goals, ideal customers & what you can offer in a collaboration exchange. Collabosaurus then match-makes you with cool businesses!


Browse matches & connect
with other brands

View your matches immediately & request to connect with cool brands (yes, it's just like a dating site, for business!)


Manage conversations &
access support

Kick off conversations for win/win marketing collaborations, all with the support of the platform's resources & the Collabosaurus team. 


Real Collaborations

Have a peek at some past collaborations and the results.

Topshop x The Dessert Parlour

Topshop offered:

Event exposure to 500 local students, an email list blast to 30,000 subscribers & social media posts to over 300,000 fans.

The Dessert Parlour offered:

The most beautiful, Instagram-worthy donuts for the Topshop Topman student event.

Cocolux x A Thousand Stories

Cocolux offered:

Exposure to over 19,000 people on social media across multiple posts, valuable brand alignment.

A Thousand Stories offered:

Beautifully styled, flat lay photography of Cocolux product, blog & social media content.

Skin & Bone x So it Goes the Label

Skin & Bone offered:

Exposure to over 4,500 across multiple social media channels & posts, & professional photography

So it Goes offered:

Discounted photoshoot, with the leveraged collaboration promotion gaining exposure to over 7,000 new people

Short Story x Blanchard Thoms

Short Story offered:

Fully credited exposure on social media to over 6,500+ fans, portfolio building photos, referrals & ongoing work.

Blanchard Thoms offered:

Styling & photography of a new range of Short Story products, social media & blog content & exposure to 150+ fans

“Still to this day, this collaboration changed my business & helped us grow like crazy"

- Ngoc, The Dessert Parlour

“My experience with Collabosaurus was nothing but positive, there are so many options to suit the type of collaboration you are looking for. The [Cocolux] connection was really valuable for us as it opened up the homewares avenue for our brand."

- Daniella, A Thousand Stories


“Have you heard of Collabosaurus? It's great! I signed up my swimwear/ wetsuit business, Skin And Bone, and I got a hit back from another designer who wanted to collaborate her streetwear with my swimwear. It was a perfect match"

- Jade, Skin & Bone 

"Everyone on Collabosaurus is ready to collaborate, creating and listing a project was so easy to set up and do and the customer support from the Collabosaurus team was excellent!"

- Urszula, Short Story


Saved on digital advertising
by using Collabosaurus instead

Hear what all the fuss is about

Match, swipe & collaborate in minutes

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